Intensive Insolvency CPD / CPE Catch Up Course

Intensive Insolvency CPD / CPE Catch Up Course

October 2, 2018

Looking to catch up on your CPD? It’s that time of year when we submit our licence applications and sign off that we have fulfilled our CPD obligations.

Join fellow professionals and the ISS Training team for an intensive two days and 12 hours of CPD / CPE in advance of your annual licence renewal.  It is only £495 plus VAT for the two days.

This course will cover key compliance areas for all insolvency professionals and provide optional streams to cater for the types of work your practice undertakes.  Choose the stream that suits your business and development need.  Delivered in a group, interactive format, you will have an opportunity to discuss with peers the issues you’ve encountered in practice and pick the brains of our compliance experts, Eileen Maclean and Alison Curry.

CPD Learning Outcomes

  • Clear and concise guidance to legislative and regulatory requirements governing each area
  • An opportunity to discuss current issues and best practice with fellow professionals
  • 12 hours of bespoke and relevant CPD/CPE to support your annual license renewal

Who should attend

This course is aimed at licenced Insolvency Practitioners and their staff, who are looking for a comprehensive introduction to the subject matter or an update to their technical knowledge and skills.


Eileen Maclean MA Hons MIPA MABRP MBA, director of Insolvency Support Services Limited

Alison Curry LLB Hons MIPA, director of Insolvency Support Services Limited

Location and Date

Manchester, 21/22 November, 9.30am to 5.00pm

London, 5/6 December, 9.30am to 5.00pm


Half day course: £155 + VAT
Full day course: £295 + VAT
All four half day courses: just £495 + VAT

Fees include all course documentation, lunch and light refreshments


3-12 hours depending on modules attended

Course Outline

Day 1

Session 1: Know Your Customer:  Systems & Procedures Workshop
How you can improve your firm’s KYC in a cost effective and proportionate way to manage the risks presented by conflicts of interest and the AML regime.

Session 2: SIPs Update
Refresh your knowledge of these key regulatory requirements.

Session 3:
Choose from:

Option A: Current issues in IVAs
Join Alison for an examination of the current regulatory focus and developments in IVA practice.


Option B: Current issues in MVL
Eileen presents an overview of the particular risks incumbent in MVL work and how these can be effectively managed.

Day 2

Session 1: Understanding Vulnerability
Vulnerability, and particularly the impact of mental health problems, has never been higher profile. Consider what adjustments your business operations require, to assist your clients and avoid adverse PR.

Session 2:
Choose from:

Option A: Bankruptcy Update
Alison leads the discussion on how practice within the Official Receivers is developing and examines the real impacts of bankruptcy on those you assist with their debt situation.


Option B: Sectoral Challenges
With retail failure seldom out of the news, the hospitality sector struggling to recover its footing and the construction industry facing faltering house prices, Eileen will look at some sector-specific challenges faced by UK businesses and the owners and creditors you advise.

Session 3: Data Privacy Workshop
Data privacy cuts across all areas of practice management. Understand what steps you need to take, both as an insolvency professional and as a business person.


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