Prompt closure of a case releases any final work-in-progress, minimises your exposure to any ongoing, associated risk and releases your insurer from their obligation to provide ongoing specific penalty cover. It also means that your practice is not attracting cost and overhead from reviewing and maintaining a vast portfolio of open cases. It is an area of our practice management on which our Regulators increasingly concentrate.
Insolvency Support Services can design a case closure programme for you, or close sections of your portfolio. Talk to us about your off-site closure requirements. Why not sub-contract all or part of your portfolio to us to manage out on your behalf? We can undertake case progression and closure on your behalf.
If you are thinking of retirement or exiting the market, speak to us about your requirements to trade out and close off your cases. This might be a more cost-effective return on your work-in-progress than a sale to a competitor.
As always, we aim to quote a fixed price up front, and volume discounts are available.