Insolvency Support Services makes training awards short-list

Insolvency Support Services makes training awards short-list

August 9, 2016

Insolvency Support Services has been short-listed in the Education / Training Provider of the Year category of the UK TRI (Turnaround, Restructuring and Insolvency) Awards 2016.


During the last 12 months Insolvency Support Services has boosted its training programme, offering an expanded range of highly regarded Exam Training, Foundation Courses, Technical Updates, Masterclasses and Personal and Business Development workshops. In addition, the firm offers bespoke in-house training to enable clients to address a particular business need in a confidential environment or to train a number of staff at the same time cost-effectively.


Eileen Maclean, a director of Insolvency Support Services and one of the UK’s foremost insolvency trainers and practitioners, commented: “We are delighted to have reached the final stages of these prestigious awards. We would like to thank our clients for their continued support and fantastic feedback on our courses.


While our core courses remain much in demand, we have also responded to clients’ needs by developing new courses that help them maintain and enhance their skills and knowledge. We have also successfully expanded geographically, with a number of courses held in Manchester. Likewise, our bespoke training has been increasingly popular with clients in the past year.


Looking ahead, we are currently in the process of developing our 2016/17 programme of courses, which we will be launching during September 2016.”


The TRI Awards ceremony will be held on 19 October 2016 at the London Hilton on Park Lane. Fingers crossed!

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