Outstanding CPPI and CPI exam results for ISS candidates

Didn’t they do well? 100% of Insolvency Support Services’ candidates in the June 2015 sitting of the CPPI exams have all passed, over half (55%) with merit or distinction. Our candidates took both first and second place in Scotland.

Meanwhile, all but one of our candidates in the CPI June 2015 exams passed too. 75% passed with merit, and one of our candidates took first place in Scotland.

Eileen Maclean, Insolvency Support Services director and lead trainer, commented: “Our congratulations to all our candidates, as well as to Wilson Andrews and Accountant in Bankruptcy, which achieved a 100% pass rate for their candidates. It’s very satisfying to see our candidates doing so well.”

Insolvency Support Services, which has recently been short-listed in the Education / Training Provider of the Year category in the Insolvency & Recovery Awards 2015, offers a range of training courses to meet the needs of insolvency practitioners throughout their careers.